A high elevation tea from the mountainous interior of Sri Lanka has smooth flavor, medium body and a slightly fruity finish. Ceylon black tea is a traditional favorite among black tea lovers.


SKU 1052
Brewing Time: 3-4 mins
Brewing Temp °C: 100
Brewing Quantity: 1 teaspoon
Black Tea (Camellia Sinensis)
Some Orange Pekoe to blend
By: on 26 October 2023
Orange Pekoe has become harder to source as time has passed. OP UVA is a perfect equivalent for me. I make up a blend half orange pekoe and half English breakfast. You can’t let it brew too long, but over time you pick it by the color when poured and for me it makes my perfect cuppa.
Subtle but appealing
By: on 15 November 2021
This is a mild, delicately fragrant tea with a subtly sweet flavour. Perfect for a mid-morning cuppa.

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