The South American national drink with its high caffeine content is gaining in popularity across the World.

An exquisitely sweet combination of Mexican Mate, Brazilian Green Coffee beans and delicious orange wedges, spearmint, cinnamon & rock sugar.


SKU 300002
Brewing Time: 5-10 mins
Brewing Temp °C: 100
Brewing Quantity: 1 teaspoon
Brazilian Mate, Orange slices, Green Coffee Beans, Freeze-dried Lemon granules, Candied sugar, Crisped mint, Cinnamon pieces, Stevia leaves, Sunflower blossoms, Pomegranate flowers, Lime oil, Crisped Mint oil, Natural flavouring.
Green Tea
By: on 14 January 2023
I started only drinking tea with milk & sugar; NOW Only black tea; Try Prince of Wales, China Rose, Turkish Delight, ALL LOVELY. Now I'm onto Green Tea, and this Mate Lime Mint Tea is great hot or warm ; then try making up a large pot, I just put glass teapot (infuser removed) in fridge! Extra YUMMO!! Try it.... you WILL love it! Lana

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